Category: Activism
Thinking Beyond Elections: A Review of Zoe Baker’s Means and Ends: The Revolutionary Practice of Anarchism in Europe and the United States
Hark! Elections darken the fragile horizon. At least here in CanMerica they do. A few months ago I’d begun to descend into that cold fire of anxiety that curdles my flesh and transforms me into a being of the purest ranker and dyspepsia. My thoughts plummeted inwards as the word I was cradling in my…
Fuck “Sustainable Development Goals,” have y’all ever heard of Communism?: Reviewing Kōhei Saitō’s Slow Down: The Degrowth Manifesto
It’s hard to overstate the significance of a degrowth COMMUNIST MANIFESTO selling so many copies in Japan alone and the ensuing pseudo-celebrity of it’s author, though of course as many are quick to remark, purchasing a book and agreeing with its contents, let alone enacting it, are not quite the same thing. Nonetheless, the left…
Land Acknowledgement (Version 1.0)
Where I’m writing from today in so-called St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada is traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, Wendat and Chonnonton peoples.
Archived from Old Blog (Pre-2020): The Emotional Toll of Climate Change
Trigger warning: suicide, mental illness. I have been writing and rewriting this entry for months, but in light of David S. Buckel’s self-immolation in protest of fossil fuels on Saturday, I thought I’d better post it now (New York Daily News; “Prominent Lawyer in Fight for Gay Rights Dies” and “He Called Out Sick, Then Apologized for…